
Vagus Nerve: Guide to Understand and Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Inflammation, Brain Fog and Improve your Life by Oscar Vaugh

Vagus Nerve by Oscar Vaugh
Editions:Audiobook: $ 12.99

Vagus Nerve: Guide to Understand and Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Inflammation, Brain Fog, and Improve Your Life

Have you ever heard about the vagus nerve? Would you like to learn how it works? Then keep reading!

The vagus nerve is so named because it “wanders” like a vagabond, sending out sensory fibers from your brain stem to your visceral organs.

The vagus nerve, the longest of the cranial nerves, controls your inner nerve center — the parasympathetic nervous system. And it oversees a vast range of crucial functions, communicating motor and sensory impulses to every organ in your body.

New research has revealed that it may also be the missing link to treating chronic inflammation, and the beginning of an exciting new field of treatment for serious, incurable diseases. In this audiobook, you will find all you need to know about the vagus nerve.

Here is what you will find in this audiobook:

  • What is the vagus nerve?
  • What is the importance of the vagus nerve?
  • In what way does the vagus nerve affect your life?
  • How can you control your vagus nerve?
  • And much more!

The vagus nerve plays a vital role in our overall health and wellbeing. Hacking your vagus nerve is really about adopting a few healthy practices that keep it stimulated and working optimally. There are more techniques we could dive into, but you will need a professional guide to help you!

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