BMI Score Calculator for Women

BMI Score Calculator – How to Use

Enter Height (in inches) and Weight into the BMI Score Calculator below and hit Submit to see your BMI score or Body Mass Index.

Notice Imperial versus Metric for measurement.

What is BMI or Body Mass Index?

BMI is a measurement of an Estimate of Body Fat and a good gauge of your risk for diseases that occur with too much body fat.

BMI = Body Mass Index

BMI score is a measurement of a person’s leanness based on height and weight.

The Importance of Having a Healthy Body Mass Index

The higher your BMI score, the higher your risk is for diseases.

Heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems and cancers become more likely with a higher BMI.

BMI Score as a Tool

Your Body Mass Index is a useful starting point to know and measure.

It’s a good measurement to know about yourself and may help with a goal to strive to improve.

But also know that there are other important measurements to consider such as :

  • cholesterol
  • blood sugar
  • blood pressure

The BMI Calculator is a good tool for calculating where you are at and understanding an area where you can improve.

Tips to Keep In Mind

  • Taller people tend to be thinner on average, larger bone mass sometimes skews the BMI to larger values.
  • Having high muscle mass can result in a higher BMI. Muscle is more dense than fat.
  • Not everyone has the same body type.

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BMI Score Calculator Results

  • Underweight: <18.5
  • Healthy: 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight: 25.0 to 29.9
  • Obese: > 30.0

BMI Score or Body Mass Index measurement tool and healthy weight for women

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signenichols Administrator
With health and beauty — like anything else — we all have our own paths, our own challenges, our own goals that we are working on personally. Many of us have goals about our appearance and health. Confidence is gained just by taking action and doing something towards those goals. Action is the first step and after Action comes Adjustments and ultimately goal Achievement. Along the way, confidence is built with Action. Build confidence in your ability to do something — be it exercise, weight loss, improvement in health, or appearance. Whatever that goal is for YOU!